Manuscriptpaper incl. guitar tabFor guitaristsStandard sheet paper f and tablature line for guitar.- 5 systems per side- 8 pages of music theory- Practical perforation, 4 times perforated- Printed on both sidesDIN A4, 128 pages, portrait format
Music book 12 systems - Star 2000wine red cover with silver printFormat: DIN A4 (297 x 21 mm)portrait format32 pages 12 systemsPaper color: whiteStapled
Elementary - booklet - DIN A 4, portrait with 16 pages, 8 medium-wide systems
(system size between booklet no. 213 and 13) with partial impression of music theory
in German language3"School writing" 80g - bright white, surface optimized for writing to ensure ideal ink flow from the fountain pen
Notes college pad, violet-metallicFormat: DIN A4 with 12 notation systems per page 4-times perforated 50 sheets / 100 pages perforated pages Paper weight: 90 g / m² Paper color: bright white
Star Music Book No. 315
Format: DIN A4 (297 x 21 mm)
20 pages including music theory and epochs
12 systems
Printed on both sides
Paper color: bright white
Paper thickness: 80 g