Notes college pad, violet-metallicFormat: DIN A4 with 12 notation systems per page 4-times perforated 50 sheets / 100 pages perforated pages Paper weight: 90 g / m² Paper color: bright white
Star music book 5213 A5
transverse format with guidelines · Music theory
16 pages
4 systems with guidelines per page, as well as the small "STAR" music theory on the inside of the cover.
The music book is ideal for all beginners.
The book offers 16 pages with guidelines to make writing and learning music easier.
Elementary - booklet - DIN A 4, portrait with 16 pages, 8 medium-wide systems
(system size between booklet no. 213 and 13) with partial impression of music theory
in German language3"School writing" 80g - bright white, surface optimized for writing to ensure ideal ink flow from the fountain pen
Manuscriptpaper incl. guitar tabFor guitaristsStandard sheet paper f and tablature line for guitar.- 5 systems per side- 8 pages of music theory- Practical perforation, 4 times perforated- Printed on both sidesDIN A4, 128 pages, portrait format